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The Packed Party Podcast

Oct 31, 2017

Competition is real in whatever you're doing. Whether you're a mom, small business owner, at your first job, you-name-it there's always seems to be someone trying to compete with you, canigetanamen!? In this episode I deep dive into channeling annoying competition into competing with yourself and how to deal. When I started Packed Party I let the "copy cats" bother me so much and four years later I can warn anyone at what a time suck this is giving energy to these types of things. Here my quick steps for turning the anger into a positive experience and pushing yourself or your business to the next level - it sounds corny but it totally worked for me and here I am today having expanded from packages to a full fledge lifestyle gift brand. If I can do it anyone can - I promise you this! Now let's kick the annoying competitors aside and focus on making ourselves the absolute best we can so there's no room for any distractions.